在「你的blogger code是?」文中,提到了兩串blogger code,分別是

積奇的「B3 d- t- k s- u-- f- i- o x- e l c」跟我的「B2 d-- d-- k+ s u-- f+ i o x-- e- l c++」


the blogger decoder去貼上我這串blogger code,然後點下Decode It!

於是「B2 d-- d-- k+ s u-- f+ i o x-- e- l c++」就變成了下面這段文字:

I've been blogging for 3-6 months. I don't know what a "domain" is,
therefore I don't have one. I don't know what a "domain" is, therefore I don't
have one. I have quite a few links, and I try to check in on them all regularly,
or at least periodically. I check my stats occasionally, mostly to discover new
blogs that are linking to mine. I don't link to, nor read, any of the standard
A-list blogs (Megnut, Kottke, Robot Wisdom, etc.). In fact, I've never heard
of 'em. I post at least once a day. I can't remember the last day I haven't blogged.
I blog from either home or work, but only after my work is done and when I
get some free time. My entries are a mix of some original material, some web
links, and links and comments about other blogs. Some people like to get it
on with other bloggers, but for me, the last thing I need is to get sexually
involved with one of these neurotic blogging pinheads. I haven't posted, and
don't plan on posting, any photos of myself on my blog. I've taken a few
surveys or participated in a few memes, but there seem to be so many of them
I have to pick and choose. Nobody I know offline knows about my blog, and
I plan on keeping it that way.


動,我也只需要更新我的blogger code就可以了,不需要長篇大論,整


the blogger decoder


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